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A traffic violation can be as minor as failing to signal when changing lanes or as serious as reckless endangerment. By law, these infractions are considered criminal offenses because they put people in danger, and can result in the loss of your driving privilege if not handled properly. 

Traffic Violation Lawyer

If you were recently cited for a traffic violation such as speeding, it’s important that you take legal action as soon as possible. While one traffic infraction may not seem like a big deal, if you’re found guilty of committing such a violation, you may face monetary fines and in some cases, jail time. Additionally, multiple violations may result in the loss of your driver’s license. Furthermore, failure to address traffic violations can result in warrants for your arrest.

Joseph A. Specter represents individuals facing traffic violations in St. Louis and welcomes the opportunity to speak with you about your charges. Even though you may think that you’re dealing with a simple infraction, the reality is that you’re being accused of breaking the law. You should therefore do everything you can to protect yourself from tough legal penalties, and the first step includes obtaining representation from an attorney.

Once Joseph A. Specter gets involved as your attorney, you’ll be advised of the steps to take in order to avoid or minimize additional legal consequences. If you’re facing a serious traffic offense, we will act quickly to try to have your charges dismissed or reach an agreement with prosecutors. And should your case progress to trial, you’ll get aggressive legal representation every step of the way.